Friday, April 21, 2017

Audiobook Review: Neanderthal Seeks/Marries Human by Penny Reid

This quickie review is for both Neanderthal Seeks Human and Neanderthal Marries Human, the first books of the Knitting in the City series by the delightfully quirky Penny Reid.  These two books both follow the same couple - Janie Morris and Quinn Sullivan.

Janie Morris is a unique and refreshing heroine that you can't help love despite (and maybe because of) her oddities. She is not quite on the autism spectrum, but she seems to exhibit some of the similar signs of Asperger's (or similar issue). Janie is highly intelligent and analytical with a near-eidetic memory. She reminded me of Sheldon from Big Bang Theory, but more likable. Janie is also a healthy girl at 5'9" and voluptuous, with a head full of crazy Medusa curls. I loved that she wasn't a perfect Barbie - both physically and mentally. Also - I totally identified with her hair woes! I thought that her propensity to spout random facts when nervous was endearing, and I totally felt sorry for the family issues she had to deal with.

Quinn Sullivan is an intelligent entrepreneur in the field of corporate and private security. His ambition is matched by his determination, and when he decided that he wanted Janie Morris, he was dogged in his pursuit. Most of the people that know Quinn see him as scary and brooding, barely saying a word to anyone. I am happy that we got some of his POV in Neanderthal Marries Human, particularly when he had to deal with the crazy girl posse of knitters. It's always fun to see how a guy responds to crazy and/or uncomfortable situations. Quinn had family issues to deal with himself, and I loved how Janie was able to help in that regard.

The relationship between these two was great. Quinn loved Janie's random facts, and she saw a different side of him than everyone else. Quinn attempted to banter with Janie, which usually elicited a blush. I enjoyed Janie's pragmatic approach to everything, even relationships. I was so happy that we got to follow the couple in more than one book... and let me just say that the bachelorette party in Vegas - OMG it was hilarious!

Even more than the relationships in this series, the highlight for me is the focus on healthy female relationships. The knitting circle is full of intelligent, fun females who are relatable and have each other's backs through thick and thin. I love the camaraderie and supportive nature of the relationships, instead of having a bunch of catty female drama. It really makes me miss having a girl posse! I need to start seeking out a group like this in Nola.  

Neanderthal Seeks Human is offered for free on Amazon as of the date this review was written.

Series:     Knitting in the City #1
Pub. Date:June 24, 2014
Narrator:Jennifer Grace
Length:14 hours 24 min

Series:     Knitting in the City #1.5
Pub. Date:May 18, 2016
Narrators:Jennifer Grace
Sebastian York
Length:13 hours 26 min

Knitting in the City

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