Friday, July 29, 2016

ARC Review: Why Do Dukes Fall in Love? by Megan Frampton

Series:     Dukes Behaving Badly #4
Pub. Date:July 26, 2016
Length:400 pages

I have had so much fun with the Dukes Behaving Badly series. Each story has been unique with engaging characters and compelling plots. This latest installment is no different, but I think it may feature my favorite hero of the series thus far.

Michael, the Duke of Hadlow, is a man without a friend except for his dog, Chester. But don't feel bad for Michael - he does not lament his lack of friends.  In fact, people annoy him. They do things that, to him, make no sense. Very irksome, other people.
Why did people find the need to just . . . talk about things nobody cared about? Incessantly?
I totally get him. This anti-social hero and I could hang out with no problem, as long as it wasn't too, you know, peopley. I won't say that Michael had a form of Aspberger's Syndrome because he understood social cues, he just felt all those social niceties were illogical. Michael is very intelligent and doesn't quite understand that other people don't think like he does, so he only wishes people were practical. He kind of reminded me of Sheldon on Big Bang Theory. When he does the logical thing of hiring a female secretary because she was qualified and capable, Michael finds himself with new feelings and curiosities that he hasn't really dealt with before. It was so fun watching this eccentric and cranky duke interact with others, but particularly our heroine and her daughter. I loved the unexpected dirty side that came out in our duke when things started heating up between our couple.
...a lady does not lie. Unless it is down with a duke...
Edwina Cheltham has gotten used to people only wanting her for her beauty and nothing more. She was married off to a husband who wanted a trophy... but he had the temerity to die without providing for her or their daughter, Gertrude. Nearly destitute, Edwina visits her friend Carolyn at the Quality Employment Agency and lands the position of secretary to our dashing duke. Carolyn is astounded that she is now being appreciated for her mind and capability, rather than her beauty. She did an awesome job managing the duke, his expectations and irascible moods. They really made the perfect couple. She understood him and his brilliance, and didn't let his barking scare her away.

The romance between these two was endearing and, at times, steamy. It wasn't perfect... but love isn't logical and it took our duke a while to figure that out. I know I had a smile on my face the entire time I was reading as I really enjoyed watching Michael and Edwina figure things out. Gertrude was also a nice addition, bringing some youth and innocence into the story. Megan Frampton really brings her characters to life with unique personalities and captivating dialogue. I can't wait for the next installment, My Fair Duchess

About the Author

Megan Frampton writes historical romance under her own name and romantic women’s fiction as Megan Caldwell. She likes the color black, gin, dark-haired British men, and huge earrings, not in that order. She lives in Brooklyn, NY, with her husband and son.

Author Links:   Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads


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